
How to boost sales using Google Ads!

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How to boost sales using Google Ads!

It is a fact World-over that the Google search engine is the best medium for sourcing information on any topic.

If you ask someone to confirm a fact, they’ll say, ‘That’s right, I Googled it’ after googling it. 

That’s because Google has put in the groundwork to be the Number 1 platform for any and all search queries that the human mind could come up with.

It is such an intelligent design. That’s why it’s revolutionized the world we live in. 


Google Ads is the medium where they branch out their technology to make this information useful to entrepreneurs and people running their businesses.         

And since Google Ads gained popularity, it has taken so many businesses to the next level! 

Let’s get into how using this method of advertisement can improve your ecommerce revenue!

war cry

Gather Quality Leads

Do you know where your target market lives? Well Google does!

Google knows ALL.

And the main functionality of Google Ads is matching your products to those quality leads and purchasing customers. 

Google Ads specifically targets people searching for products that you are selling on your e-commerce store.

It analyses where the market is for your goods and shows those ads to the right audience. 

If your business has a Google Ads extension feature then it will be all-a’-go to flourish. The key is to create enough ads to keep it relevant.

Let’s say you sell chocolates online, if you open up your market to just about anyone, then that includes people that have health issues and cannot eat sweets. And that won’t get you anywhere cause they have no interest in your product. 

No matter how yummilicious it might be😊


In this case, you would need to target the people who have a sweet tooth and are interested in purchasing your product. Then you have a real shot at making the sale. 

And you’d definitely want sure-shot customers right!

That’s what Google Ads does. 

It ties the ideal customer to their preferred product. 

Optimizing Your Ads with A/B Split Testing

If you’re wondering what this is... well it’s super fun!

Basically, it’s Plan A vs. Plan B

One is your executed plan (A) and the other one (B) is your back-up plan with small variations thrown into the mix. 

This involves tweaking the text, graphics, bids and all kinds of things, and we can gauge which one performs better. 

It’s a fun experiment!

And when you figure out which one works then it’s smooth sailing.

google intelligence

This is the growth of one of our clients in just 15 days of using Google Ads. 

In the below graph, our client has grown almost 7 times compared to the investment made. 

For every 1 SEK (Swedish krona) spent, 7 SEK was gained!

We're going to get into the Maths now, but its pretty cool actually! Allow me to explain the upward moving graph --


Impressions - 10778409 -  This means how many times that singular Ad was shown to the users all over the internet. 

Conversions- 5816 - These many people clicked on the Ad and purchased different products from the client’s website. (these are the new customers gained thanks to Google Ads)

The average cost per conversion  - 193 SEK (Swedish Krona)- To acquire 1 new customer the client had to pay Google 193 SEK 

Total ad spend (Investment of the Client)  - 11,22,412 SEK

Total revenue gained - 77,68,687 SEK

Return on investment = 6.92

And to understand the Return on Investment you divide Revenue/Investment

(Revenue/ Investment = ROI) i.e; 7768687/1122412

ROI = 6.92

This company got almost 7 times the revenue using Google ads in comparison to how much they spend on creating the ad; and that too in just 15 days!

So based on this example, you can see how profitable this undertaking can be.  

With Google Ads, you can always measure the results, and keep track of your metrics at every step of the way. 

That is why you need someone who understands SEM (Search Engine Marketing), so your Ads can be optimized and eventually get more for less.

You and your competitors are trying out the same old cookie mold, and getting no new results! 

running circles

It's time for some upgrades!

Click here to attend this week's insightful webinar and understand what it takes to make it in the ecommerce industry.

Keyword Strategy

Imagine getting 5 new customers every day! 

And purchasing customers too! Score!

Keywords are those important words that are related to your product and help your ad show up on Google search.

We use a bunch of tools and software to analyze thousands of words and narrow down which ones are relevant to your business and will bring traffic to your site. 

And at, we are a company of X-Google employees, with over 10 years of ecommerce expertise in our arena, and when you work with us, you’ll see your business growing! Our advertising strategy will focus on extending the reach of your ads.

From how to set your targets, to creating and optimizing your marketing budget; we've got you covered.

Join our weekly webinars to learn how the best companies in the world run Google Ads to grow their revenue.

Read more about sales targeting here. 

Hope you liked the blog. Please check this video if you haven't already.


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