How much should I spend on Google Ads?
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How much should I spend on Google Ads?
You have just started your webshop and just realized that customers can't find you. That's why you decided to try Google Ads.
You’re excited about SPENDING and MAKING MONEY at the same time.
It sounds like the fast track to gainful income!
‘I’m going to sell out my stock within the month!’
Kudos to having such a positive attitude!
Here's your catch 22 though.
You're ready to invest, but brand new to trusting an idea you know nothing about.
And you're wondering if it will work or not.
It’s like a skeptical old grandparent buying a new phone, and they're like 'Why so many buttons!'
But when they get to watch all their favorite old TV shows and songs, then they see the merit in the new technology.
Did I in some indirect way insinuate that you’re from generation OLD? Well, take it with a pinch of salt😄 And some tequila when you're off the clock!
Mmmm tequila.. with pineapple juice.. and ice! Oh and just a dash of lime! Okay, major sidetrack. Head back in the data game!
You've created your Google Ads account. What should be your next step forward?
Let me explain it real easy.
Everyone spends their time online. Either for work or leisure; so it’s best to tap into this market as soon as you can to make a name for yourself. And imagine having your ads displayed to people no matter what website they are visiting.
You will have a very far-reaching impact due to the number of people that you can trigger, with the right channels.
Keyword search and your most important products
If you are starting from zero spend on Google Ads. Select 10-30 of the products that you believe will sell on your homepage. Aim to buy at least 100 clicks from people searching for those products and make sure they land on the product page after clicking your ads.
When figuring out your costs, you need to select the right keywords in your ad copies.
Keyword search volumes go up on some days, and so if more people are searching for products on which you have bid keywords, then your product has a high likelihood to sell.
The cost-per-click (CPC) fluctuates a little, but the likelihood of a profitable return on investment (ROI) is high too.
Mr. Krabs is always dreaming in currency, huh? 😅
🎶Got my mind on that money, and that money on my mind🎶 Haha!😄
Now when we talk about investment on Google Ads, we would suggest you start off slow, and see how it will pay off. With Google Ads, a safe bet is 10€- 15€ per day!
Imagine spending 10€ per day on advertising and selling on just a single click, a product worth 40€. You’ve made your money back and more.
And you might even get a lot of conversions in a day. You never know. So, it’s definitely worth a shot!
Skip out on your morning lattes and level up to the modern way of selling.
PS - This is how big brands bring in the big bucks.
Staying relevant
The quality score is Google’s grading system of your relevancy.
When you become relevant and reign in the clicks and buys on your website, Google starts viewing you as a top-gun and eventually your ad rank will go higher and costs will go lower.
What is your quality score affected by?
- Click-through rate
- Keywords
- The relevance of ad copy
- Quality of landing page
- Segmenting search terms
You’ll feel so amazed when you start seeing positive returns.
And when you are getting benefits from Google Ads, it’s a good sign that the funnel of your distribution channel is full speed ahead. And you should make the best use of your savings now because then you can get the maximum benefit of what this advertising platform has to offer.
So with all this information and data is floating around, how do you get your let’s say, t-shirts to stand out.
The World is a big place. And the good news is, we can open your customer funnel up to exact buyers of your product, and add in a bunch of specifics; so that you have the best shot at bagging the sale.
Return on as spend (ROAS)
You’ve started on the Google Ads saga and you don’t want to spend all your money and get zero returns. Nightmare!
So now that you're a little better informed about the whole situation, you’re excited to get on the platform.
What can you do to dodge the random clicks?
So it’s like this. You can’t do anything about that. If people click, they click.
And a lot of clicks don’t convert. But even if 2 out of 100 people buy, you will be up for a profit. So you have to test what works. A good benchmark number for ecommerce stores is a conversion rate of 2%, meaning that you need to buy at least 50 visitors to get 1 sale.
It’s like when the ancient Arabs went digging for gold right.
Slaving away! Spending all their energy laying the groundwork for success.
And then one day, they actually struck gold!
Our web crawling spiders, as gruesome at it sounds, are plugging the right metrics for you to get the best outcome. They’re busy gathering the right data of where to sink the shovel into next, you know!
And so give it 2 months at least, to see how it will work out for your store.
And if you've got a product so brilliant, that the World does not have an option but to spend money on it, well bring it on!
Let's grow together!
Join the webinar to know more👉
Hope you liked the blog. Please check this video if you haven't already.
I’m very impressed by the impact that the data driven approach has on our customer acquisition growth and I look forward to continue developing this strategy with the Google Premium Partner.

Head of SEO/SEM at Advisa
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Marketing manager Nordics - Let’s deal
We are a proud family company founded in 1949 called O&H Danish Bakery. As for many small companies today launching and growing successful online sales is tough and we didn't have the time to manage nor the competence to run Google Ads ourselves. solved that for us and we manage to go from 0 orders per day to 50 orders per day within 4 months.

Family Owner, VP
I'm so proud to see what our marketing team in collaboration with and Google has performed.

CEO Svenssons i Lammhult
What I really appreciate as an E-commerce manager, is being very careful about how my marketing budget is spent. You don't go in and say let's double the spend. You go in and continuously experiment and find a smart way to scale with control of our return of Investment.

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93 Million +
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$1 Billion +
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Countries that customers advertise in.